Friday 6 May 2011

!!SORT IT OUT!! The Royal Family...

Yupp its another that I will no doubt be repeatedly ranting about!
This is one has the country split. Like Marmite, you either love or hated the royals, well also you could just not care I spose...
With this 'Royal Wedding' recently, which even managed to overcast Easter, came a massive show of support from all over the world for the royals. This annoys me! The rest of the world can fuck off for all I care on this one, the royals don't affect them. If you want to support the royals, go right ahead, but don't get moody with me if I choose not to, and if you ask me my views on them don't get upset when you don't like what you hear..... why ask me my view if you are assuming I will have the same opinion as you......?
To me they are no better than  the people we hate most in the UK, they live of tax money, but what do they actually do for us? They don't even have to stand in queue to sign on! All they really do, that makes any difference, is back up the rest of the worlds stereotype of us British.... bad teeth, talk a bit dicky, ignorant, etc... Yea, thanks.
Its been a week since the wedding and they're still forcing it down my eyes and ears! I only recently learned how to tolerate the news in the morning (I hate how everything seems so one sided, when does an un biased view come into it?), but after having to watch all that shit I'll stick to starting my day with Friends thanks.


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