Yupp, we all knew it was coming here at some point, may as well get it out the way.
Yupp, its a big one, if (for some reason) your that intent on reading this through I suggest a cup of tea or a smoke.
What the 'relations' is up with people!
'Whats your facebook?' .... Do you not see whats wrong with that question.... no? Shouldn't it be
'Do you have a facebook?' Okay I had a MySpace, and a Bebo...... yes I am a current facebook user (Nt evn 2 promote dis garbage either..... i simply use it..... I no, Im deeply sorry) but come one now, why do people have to be so obsessive!!? Whats worse is that no one realises how obsessive they're being! They see nothing wrong in posting some crap every 5 minutes, as if its their to narrate their very standard lives!
I use facebook for what one would assume it was created for..... to keep in contact with close ones. I don't even use it for that, I only contact people I cant in any other quick way. If I have your number, you'll sooner get a text message!! Now I've justified myself....
Do not dare try and tell me you use facebook to 'express' yourself! How the fuck is that expression. You are simply typing and clicking away! Where's the 'yourself' in that!? People express themselves in different ways.... yes. But show me the expression through facebook..... what? ...... you cant? You can just show me drunkard pictures of last weekend, and the weekend before that?
People don't understand how much this facebook is taking over their lives. If you have made it through to here, please remember what you read next well.....' Facebook started as a social networking website'. Say 15 years from now that will be as shocking as 'Nintendo started with selling playing cards'. Tesco has started taking over the fucking world, if you don't find it strange that a company can now be, grocers, petrol stations, banks, department stores, Internet providers, mobile phone networks, insurers, all in one, you need to slow down a little. Tescos now just do what they want, soon so will facebook. The problem is facebook has, pretty much, a social network monopoly. Young, old, straight, homosexual, black, white, asian, WHATEVER would all use any service, or at least would place more interest than normal in, that had 'FACEBOOK' slapped on it somewhere.... You know this to be true!
I really don't understand..... people get caught cheating on facebook, people get slandered on facebook, you come across pictures of yourself that you would rather not be on the Internet on your 'freinds' pages, i see no reason for facebook if we all have mobile phones! All it has done is made us less social...... real social.
!!FUNNY STORY!! Many years ago (when i was still a blind secondary school student) I created a page (not on facebook, but the same principle applies) that appeared to be for a 24 year old, stereotypically attractive female........ waaaaiit, im not finished! I then succeeded in getting a topless picture of some absolute TWAT sent by himself! I obviously strolled around school the following day showing and explaining to everyone who would listen just how I came about such pictures (It was the fact that the dooch was posing like a bitch that made it funny).
!!LESSON TO TAKE FROM THE STORY!! Don't bait yourself up on facebook or any site for that matter. Don't let it consume your life, you'll end up looking a fucking prick! One little fuck up could go down and all of that data facebook holds could go anywhere!!
Anyway I cannot be bothered to continue this rant any further, I know for a fact at some point I'll be back here at some other point.