Thursday 4 August 2011


weather you work a 9 to 5, bum it or on road,
each path in life is corrupt and cold.
pushed to slave it until grey and old.
made to think by that time you'd have a fat wad to unfold.
But the reality is you wont, and never will
and when you realise, your anger is enough to kill
you've slaved for so long, but still not even a cheap thrill
But I have to rely on them, lest I fall ill.
As I sit and twist my locks, right down to the point
I sit and ponder, do I want a joint?
Do I want to let go or even forget
But be warned this food can cause you regret.
My advice, is at least make sure you speak out
if not your true self will dry like the African drought.
Speak up be heard, if you don't you wont.

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