Thursday, 21 March 2013

Planet hulk

As we know I'm a Marvel boy, and so the lure of a Hulk animated movie is all too much to resist. Part of me wishes I had though.
We start with the Hulk being blasted into space by man kind (led by iron man apparently) as he is too dangerous on earth, he ends up on a plant where he is forced to become a gladiator (as in Russell crow stylee) by an evil emperor/king.... Yepp the rest is the usual super hero stuff, the Hulk reluctantly gets involved and saves the day.
Its not very Hulkish, he's being civil to certain characters by 20 minutes in, he's able to speak pretty well, no mention of Dr Banner, he's not even as muscular as you normally would see him. Other than the fact he's green, angry and the few mega punches there's not much Hulk action here. There's a couple of swordplay moments, I feel the Hulk has no business using any weapon. By the end the planets inhabitants that at first shunned the Hulk hail him as a leader... obviously. The one positive I can find in this is the various character styles, obviously being set on another planet we don't need to be seeing too many humans, one of the characters is a clear rip of The thing from the fantastic 4, which I felt is very cheap!
Big let down, felt I had wasted some of my time watching it, if I hadn't decided to write a review for this I wouldn't have bothered finishing it to be honest. Luckily its not enough to put you off the Hulk, it doesn't seem that allot of effort was put into this animation so the fact its a bit of a let down isn't too shocking.

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