Thursday 21 March 2013

Prototype 2

I finally got my grubby mitts on a copy of Prototype 2! As a self proclaimed biggest fan of Prototype I was expecting big things from the sequel. You play as James Heller a bad ass sergeant with serious rage issues and a potty mouth, kudos the voice actor Cornell Womack. Again as the prequel the story line is nothing ground breaking and hardly grips you. Your wife and daughter have apparently been killed by Alex Mercer... revenge... blah blah blah! The game world is slightly bigger than the first games, 3 island, the largest of which is the map from the first game, this time with more dilapidated buildings obviously.
Graphically the game is pleasing, vast improvement on the prequel, if you actually spend time walking around the citizen safe zones you will appreciate the attention to detail on the slightly rusted corrugated iron used as roofs, and the almost patchwork looking scraps of wood used to build the shelters. Its nothing outstanding but when pretty much all of the game is spent zooming from place to place or your eyes are too busy keeping up with mental paced combat, nice aesthetics is all cherry. I was worried when seeing the first game play shots of the game by how good it looked, I was certain some of the pace of the game would be sacrificed to make it prettier, for once I am happy to say I was wrong!
Game play is near enough the same. This time you can equip 2 powers at once and use them in a single combo creating the opportunity to use a bit more strategy, counter attacks with your shields, my favourite new ability is pack leader, allowing you to summon brawlers and set them on targets of your choice, watching one pounce straight through a chopper from the roof of a near by building is highly rewarding! Some moves have been taken out, such as the cannon ball. My favourite thing about the prototypes is the movement/free roaming/exploring, I had all the collectables found by my second sittings of the game, something that most other open world/free roaming games lack in is the ability to keep me entertained between missions, Prototype 2 doesn't offer many side quests and I completed the game 100% achievements and all, but still went back for another blast within a couple days of putting it down! On the downside, you no longer charge your jump as with the prequel, now you jump instantly and the longer you hold jump the higher you will go, even after getting used to this, which is not as easy as you may have thought, I still prefer having to hold then releasing actually perform the jump, it was easier to get around smoothly I feel, I understand why this was done though, timing your jumps has been taken out of the equation giving the player less to think about. Heller is less acrobatic than Mercer too, not in a way that would disadvantage him in a race, but in a stylish way, Heller doesn't flip and twirl in the air like Mercer did. Honestly I think if Heller did move like Mercer it just wouldn't seem right with Heller having more of a brutal personality but style is part of what made the original game so good.
There a massive sense of 'am I missing something here' when playing the game, Mercer's character has changed so much, you didn't get too strong of a hero or villain vibe from him in the first, but by the second game he's a classic antagonist, no transition or explanation. I have since completing the game found out there are comics/graphic novels that go deeper into the story of Prototype.
Overall the game is not too difficult, but does offer at least a couple of challenges. The trick is to keep moving as much as possible. This is the first game I've 1000g'd, and I was only 4 shy of all of them when I had realised how many I had gotten so easy picked for all the gamer score whores out there. I cant decide which of the 2 games I prefer, which is good as sequels of great games usually let me down, especially when they are made prettier, probably due to my high expectations.
Since the release of Prototype 2 it has been announced that Radical Entertainment will no longer be producing original games and will be a support team for Activision. You only realise how heart breaking this is once you look at their back catalogue. I for one will miss their great work!

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